How You Can Use Wedding Photo Timelines to Book Couples

Let’s flash-back to June 2015 when Jaime and I were getting married in a very DIY, beautiful and wild backyard wedding. We were new college graduates with very little money, barely starting our careers, throwing a big wedding with no idea what we were doing and no *real* professional help. (This is why I LOVE wedding planners and will always highly encourage couples to hire one immediately for the sake of their sanity, haha). I remember googling things like “wedding day timeline” and “who goes down the aisle first?” AKA #SOS #HelpMePlanThisDIYWedding 

Post-wedding, I realized that the biggest professional help I had hired was my wedding photographer, and while I loved her work, I wished she would have helped guide the day a bit more. The wedding day “what if we had done xyz” guilt was settling in. Okay, I know what you’re thinking: “it’s not our job to make timelines as photographers” or “that’s why you hire a wedding planner!” 

But, hear me out… What if it should be part of our guidance as wedding photographers? What if couples are relying on our expertise on lighting throughout the day, location selection, or something as simple as bringing to their attention that if you are getting ready 30 minutes away, that needs to be factored into your plans? Most couples getting married have zero clue what details they should be considering to make sure their day goes smoothly and their wedding photos are, well, picture-perfect. 

When I jumped into the world of wedding photography, I promised myself I’d be the couple’s best resource and share as much knowledge to help guide their wedding day plans. Fast-forward, nearly 7 years later, every couple who inquires with me will get wedding photo timeline samples after we chat on the phone.

Why is this important? It allows couples to envision what their wedding day COULD look like when it comes to how photos fit into the day. Remember, this is likely their first time planning a wedding, so it’s up to us to help bring their wedding vision to life. Educating them how long certain aspects of a wedding *really* take and how much time it might take for photos is only going to help set expectations. 

Put the cookie cutter down! What happens when you send cookie cutter packages? You’re not helping the couple envision their wedding day, nor are you helping them make a decision based on logistics. Rather, they’re probably going to pick the package that fits their budget best after asking friends and family how many hours they think are necessary. 

This is a chance for you to set expectations & position yourself as an authority figure. YOU are the expert here, my friend 😉 You photograph weddings every weekend. Unless you are purely a photojournalistic wedding photographer, if you currently have zero hand in how the day unfolds and show up with a “we’ll see what we get” approach, you might leave feeling:

  • “If only I had 10 more minutes during getting ready…”
  • “If only we had done a first look…”
  • “If only they didn’t have 40 family combinations to take during cocktail hour, we would have had enough sunlight for romantics…” and on and on and on. 

Weddings are about the couple, and (in my opinion) should reflect their relationship, as well as their desires for the day. The greatest way you can be of service to them is through educating them on timing expectations for photos on the wedding day.

When sending a proposal, I give a “bare bones” sample photo timeline for each quote based on basic facts they give me over our phone call. Key things I’m looking for are: ceremony & reception start time, the sizes of their wedding party & family, their feelings on a first look, if there are any important things happening early in the morning or during the end of the night, and if there are any traditions or non-traditional things they are incorporating. I use the sunset time plus these factors to work backwards, creating a few simple photo timelines that could work for their day. It’s up to the couple to decide what is truly important to capture that day, choosing a package that fits their needs & budget best.

The more you help couples with the nitty gritty details of their wedding plans, the more control you have over the end product. If you’re ready to take your client experience & overall photo business to the next level… 


With love, Alex

p.s. scroll down if you want to see BABY Alex & Jaime for our engagement + wedding photos circa 2015 *tears*